

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Atmospheric Environment Atmos Environ 1352-2310 544 4.3997 3.8001 4.1998
Expert Review of Anti-Infective Therapy Expert Rev Anti-Infe 1478-7210 98 5.6998 4.0998 4.1998
Behaviour Research and Therapy Behav Res Ther 0005-7967 131 4.7003 3.9003 4.1998
Psychiatry Research Psychiat Res 0165-1781 502 5.2999 4.0998 4.1998
European Journal of Pharmacology Eur J Pharmacol 0014-2999 597 4.2997 4.0998 4.1998
Plant Science Plant Sci 0168-9452 286 4.9000 4.0998 4.1998
Journal of Periodontology J Periodontol 0022-3492 129 5.2002 4.0000 4.1998
Plant Biology Plant Biology 1435-8603 94 3.9003 4.0998 4.1998
Journal of Materials Science-Materials in Medicine J Mater Sci-Mater M 0957-4530 56 4.1998 4.0998 4.1998
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research Clin Orthop Relat R 0009-921X 178 4.9000 3.5999 4.1998
Molecules Molecules 1420-3049 8063 4.6000 3.9003 4.1998
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering Macromol Mater Eng 1438-7492 186 4.0998 4.0998 4.1998
Comparative Political Studies Comp Polit Stud 0010-4140 93 5.5002 3.9003 4.1998
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences Nat Hazard Earth Sys 1561-8633 207 4.5003 3.8001 4.1998
Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology Reprod Biol Endocrin 1477-7827 115 5.2999 4.0998 4.1998
European Journal of Anaesthesiology Eur J Anaesth 0265-0215 73 4.2997 3.9003 4.1998
Coastal Engineering Coast Eng 0378-3839 116 4.3997 3.7001 4.1998
Image and Vision Computing Image Vision Comput 0262-8856 168 4.2997 3.8001 4.1998
Studies in Second Language Acquisition Stud Second Lang Acq 0272-2631 48 4.9000 3.9003 4.1998
Industrial Management & Data Systems Ind Manage Data Syst 0263-5577 115 5.3999 3.7001 4.1998
Urban Studies Urban Stud 0042-0980 146 5.1000 3.7001 4.1998
Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology Pestic Biochem Phys 0048-3575 345 4.6000 3.7001 4.1998
International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Int J Comp-Supp Coll 1556-1607 23 5.5999 3.8001 4.1998
Computers & Geosciences Comput Geosci-Uk 0098-3004 118 4.3997 4.0000 4.1998
International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials Int J Refract Met H 0263-4368 372 4.1998 3.5000 4.1998
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology Environ Toxicol Phar 1382-6689 224 4.3997 3.9003 4.1998
Engineering Analysis With Boundary Elements Eng Anal Bound Elem 0955-7997 483 3.3000 3.4000 4.1998
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications Ieee T Ind Appl 0093-9994 690 4.5003 3.7001 4.1998
American Journal of Agricultural Economics Am J Agr Econ 0002-9092 65 4.5003 4.0000 4.1998
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics J Wind Eng Ind Aerod 0167-6105 242 4.7003 3.4000 4.1998
Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy Clean Technol Envir 1618-954X 219 4.1998 4.0000 4.1998
Organization & Environment Organ Environ 1086-0266 14 5.9998 3.5999 4.1998
Journal of Addiction Medicine J Addict Med 1932-0620 179 4.0000 3.7001 4.1998
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Soil Dyn Earthq Eng 0267-7261 563 4.5003 3.5000 4.1998
Annual Review of Resource Economics Annu Rev Resour Econ 1941-1340 23 7.4001 4.0000 4.1998
Management Accounting Research Manage Account Res 1044-5005 14 4.5003 3.9003 4.1998
Geotechnique Geotechnique 0016-8505 101 5.2002 4.0000 4.1998
Review of Public Personnel Administration Rev Public Pers Adm 0734-371X 32 5.3999 3.7001 4.1998
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine Ieee Antenn Propag M 1045-9243 28 3.3000 4.0998 4.1998
International Journal of Electronic Commerce Int J Electron Comm 1086-4415 19 5.6998 3.8001 4.1998
Advanced Powder Technology Adv Powder Technol 0921-8831 256 4.2997 4.0998 4.1998
Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing Mat Sci Semicon Proc 1369-8001 635 3.9003 4.0000 4.1998
Minds and Machines Mind Mach 0924-6495 34 7.4996 3.8001 4.1998
Economic Modelling Econ Model 0264-9993 370 4.1998 3.7001 4.1998
Biology of Sport Biol Sport 0860-021X 117 4.0998 3.5999 4.1998
Cyberpsychology Behavior and Social Networking Cyberpsych Beh Soc N 2152-2715 98 6.6002 4.0000 4.1998
Information Communication & Society Inform Commun Soc 1369-118X 119 5.2999 4.0000 4.1998
Remote Sensing Remote Sens-Basel 2072-4292 5700 4.9000 3.1999 4.1998
Comprehensive Physiology Compr Physiol 2040-4603 30 9.0002 4.1998 4.1998
Journal of Archaeological Research J Archaeol Res 1059-0161 12 4.3997 4.0000 4.1998

