

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Annals of Clinical and Translational Neurology Ann Clin Transl Neur 2328-9503 232 5.1000 4.2997 4.3997
Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal Comput Struct Biotec 2001-0370 496 5.0002 4.2997 4.3997
npj Microgravity Npj Microgravity 2373-8065 89 4.9000 4.0000 4.3997
High Voltage High Volt 2397-7264 89 4.3997 3.5000 4.3997
Stroke and Vascular Neurology Stroke Vasc Neurol 2059-8688 78 5.9998 4.2997 4.3997
Global Challenges Glob Chall 2056-6646 102 5.2002 4.2997 4.3997
Journal of Competitiveness J Competitiveness 1804-171X 44 3.7001 4.0000 4.3997
Synthetic and Systems Biotechnology Syn Syst Biotechno 2405-805X 83 4.2997 4.0000 4.3997
Geo-Spatial Information Science Geo-Spat Inf Sci 1009-5020 94 4.3997 3.9003 4.3997
ACS Applied Polymer Materials Acs Appl Polym Mater 2637-6105 1025 4.7003 4.1998 4.3997
Drones Drones-Basel 2504-446X 703 4.8003 3.5000 4.3997
Advanced Quantum Technologies Adv Quantum Technol 2511-9044 177 5.2999 4.0998 4.3997
Progress in Biomaterials Prog Biomater 2194-0509 5 7.3003 4.2997 4.3997
EJNMMI Radiopharmacy and Chemistry Ejnmmi Radiopharm Ch 2365-421X 40 4.7003 4.0000 4.3997
Pathologica Pathologica 0031-2983 33 3.5000 4.3997 4.3997
Earth System Governance Earth Syst Gov-Neth 2589-8116 31 5.6998 3.9003 4.3997
Railway Engineering Science Railway Eng Sci 2662-4745 30 5.5999 4.0998 4.3997
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice J Market Theory Prac 1069-6679 28 3.9003 4.1998 4.3997
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Computational Statistics Wires Comput Stat 1939-0068 28 5.1000 4.3997 4.3997
Ophthalmology Retina Ophthalmol Retina 2468-6530 114 4.2997 4.0998 4.3997
Weather and Climate Dynamics Weather Clim Dynam 54 4.6000 4.0000 4.3997
Progress in Additive Manufacturing Prog Addit Manuf 2363-9512 160 0.0000 4.0000 4.3997
Intelligent Medicine Intel Med 2667-1026 29 4.7003 4.2997 4.3997
Chemical Communications Chem Commun 1359-7345 2458 4.3997 4.0998 4.2997
Environmental Microbiology Environ Microbiol 1462-2912 209 5.2002 4.1998 4.2997
Seminars in Liver Disease Semin Liver Dis 0272-8087 34 5.5002 4.2997 4.2997
Physics Letters B Phys Lett B 0370-2693 708 4.0000 4.0000 4.2997
Wildlife Monographs Wildlife Monogr 0084-0173 3 3.5000 4.2997 4.2997
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine J Cell Mol Med 1582-1838 403 5.0002 4.2997 4.2997
Microbial Cell Factories Microb Cell Fact 1475-2859 256 5.5002 4.0998 4.2997
Inorganic Chemistry Inorg Chem 0020-1669 2158 4.0998 3.8001 4.2997
Ecological Applications Ecol Appl 1051-0761 153 5.1000 4.1998 4.2997
American Journal of Preventive Medicine Am J Prev Med 0749-3797 248 4.9000 4.1998 4.2997
BMC Plant Biology Bmc Plant Biol 1471-2229 644 5.2002 4.0998 4.2997
Journals of Gerontology Series A-Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences J Gerontol A-Biol 1079-5006 235 5.0002 4.0998 4.2997
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society J Am Geriatr Soc 0002-8614 317 5.5002 3.9003 4.2997
Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses Influenza Other Resp 1750-2640 132 3.7001 4.0000 4.2997
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management J Civ Eng Manag 1392-3730 47 4.0000 4.0998 4.2997
Cell Calcium Cell Calcium 0143-4160 58 4.7003 4.0000 4.2997
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics Ieee J Sel Top Quant 1077-260X 157 4.3997 4.0998 4.2997
Preventive Medicine Prev Med 0091-7435 312 4.1998 4.1998 4.2997
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Eur J Pharm Sci 0928-0987 259 4.1998 4.1998 4.2997
International Reviews of Immunology Int Rev Immunol 0883-0185 13 4.7003 4.2997 4.2997
Helicobacter Helicobacter 1083-4389 85 5.2002 3.8001 4.2997
Journal of Machine Learning Research J Mach Learn Res 1532-4435 349 6.9997 4.0998 4.2997
Pediatric Allergy and Immunology Pediat Allerg Imm-Uk 0905-6157 87 4.5003 3.9003 4.2997
Journal of General Internal Medicine J Gen Intern Med 0884-8734 376 5.2999 4.0998 4.2997
American Journal of Nephrology Am J Nephrol 0250-8095 77 3.9003 4.1998 4.2997
Archives of Disease in Childhood Arch Dis Child 0003-9888 147 3.9003 4.1998 4.2997
Computer Vision and Image Understanding Comput Vis Image Und 1077-3142 189 4.9000 3.9003 4.2997

