

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
American Political Science Review [更名/剔除] Am Polit Sci Rev 0003-0554 141 8.4997 6.3996 6.7996
Evolutionary Computation [更名/剔除] Evol Comput 1063-6560 20 6.2001 6.7000 6.7996
Journal of Organizational Behavior [更名/剔除] J Organ Behav 0894-3796 82 11.7994 6.3996 6.7996
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety [更名/剔除] Ecotox Environ Safe 0147-6513 1267 6.9002 6.3996 6.7996
Transportation Research Part B-Methodological [更名/剔除] Transport Res B-Meth 0191-2615 150 8.0000 6.2001 6.7996
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine [更名/剔除] Clin Chem Lab Med 1434-6621 264 5.1000 5.6998 6.7996
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control [更名/剔除] Ieee T Automat Contr 0018-9286 662 7.4996 6.3996 6.7996
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security [更名/剔除] Ieee T Inf Foren Sec 1556-6013 281 7.7002 6.2998 6.7996
Oxford Review of Economic Policy [更名/剔除] Oxford Rev Econ Pol 0266-903X 51 5.8000 6.7000 6.7996
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology [更名/剔除] Ieee T Veh Technol 0018-9545 1139 6.5005 6.2001 6.7996
Computers Environment and Urban Systems [更名/剔除] Comput Environ Urban 0198-9715 106 6.9997 6.2998 6.7996
Transport Policy [更名/剔除] Transport Policy 0967-070X 243 6.2001 6.1004 6.7996
Habitat International [更名/剔除] Habitat Int 0197-3975 139 7.7002 6.1004 6.7996
China Economic Review [更名/剔除] China Econ Rev 1043-951X 142 6.7996 6.5005 6.7996
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems [更名/剔除] J Adv Model Earth Sy 1942-2466 249 7.1000 5.9998 6.7996
Translational Psychiatry [更名/剔除] Transl Psychiat 2158-3188 498 6.9997 6.6002 6.7996
Allergology International [更名/剔除] Allergol Int 1323-8930 55 6.2998 6.3996 6.7996
Friction [更名/剔除] Friction 2223-7690 115 7.4001 5.9003 6.7996
Advanced Materials Technologies [更名/剔除] Adv Mater Technol-Us 2365-709X 573 7.6001 6.5005 6.7996
Alexandria Engineering Journal [更名/剔除] Alex Eng J 1110-0168 811 6.2001 6.5005 6.7996
Genes & Diseases [更名/剔除] Genes Dis 2352-4820 104 7.8001 6.7996 6.7996
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering [更名/剔除] Case Stud Therm Eng 2214-157X 943 6.3996 5.9998 6.7996
Soil [更名/剔除] Soil-Germany 2199-3971 48 6.9002 6.6002 6.7996
Machine Learning-Science and Technology [更名/剔除] Mach Learn-Sci Techn 115 6.7996 6.5005 6.7996
Autism in Adulthood [更名/剔除] Autism Adulthood 2573-9581 38 6.1004 5.8000 6.7996
Pneumonia [更名/剔除] Pneumonia 2200-6133 9 5.3999 6.7000 6.7996
Biofilm [更名/剔除] Biofilm 2590-2075 33 6.7996 6.7000 6.7996
Progress in Neurobiology [更名/剔除] Prog Neurobiol 0301-0082 88 10.2000 6.6002 6.7000
PLoS Pathogens [更名/剔除] Plos Pathog 1553-7366 601 6.7000 6.5005 6.7000
Fish and Fisheries [更名/剔除] Fish Fish 1467-2960 70 7.3003 6.2998 6.7000
Progress in Photovoltaics [更名/剔除] Prog Photovoltaics 1062-7995 109 6.6002 6.2001 6.7000
Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics [更名/剔除] Clin Pharmacol Ther 0009-9236 204 6.6002 6.2001 6.7000
Thrombosis and Haemostasis [更名/剔除] Thromb Haemostasis 0340-6245 137 5.2002 6.1004 6.7000
Investigative Radiology [更名/剔除] Invest Radiol 0020-9996 87 5.9003 5.5999 6.7000
Nanoscale [更名/剔除] Nanoscale 2040-3364 1632 6.7996 6.5005 6.7000
Fertility and Sterility [更名/剔除] Fertil Steril 0015-0282 195 7.4996 6.2998 6.7000
Journal of Clinical Periodontology [更名/剔除] J Clin Periodontol 0303-6979 148 9.1005 5.9998 6.7000
Liver International [更名/剔除] Liver Int 1478-3223 249 6.2998 6.3996 6.7000
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica [更名/剔除] Acta Psychiat Scand 0001-690X 98 7.1000 6.5005 6.7000
Progress in Electromagnetics Research-Pier [更名/剔除] Prog Electromagn Res 1559-8985 28 4.3997 6.5005 6.7000
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics [更名/剔除] Ieee T Power Electr 0885-8993 1292 7.2002 5.2999 6.7000
British Medical Bulletin [更名/剔除] Brit Med Bull 0007-1420 26 6.5005 6.6002 6.7000
European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry [更名/剔除] Eur J Med Chem 0223-5234 866 6.5005 6.1004 6.7000
International Journal of Stroke [更名/剔除] Int J Stroke 1747-4930 105 6.5005 6.2998 6.7000
Advances in Anatomic Pathology [更名/剔除] Adv Anat Pathol 1072-4109 36 5.9998 6.5005 6.7000
Environmental Research Letters [更名/剔除] Environ Res Lett 1748-9326 844 7.8001 6.3996 6.7000
Age and Ageing [更名/剔除] Age Ageing 0002-0729 260 9.0002 6.2998 6.7000
International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management [更名/剔除] Int J Phys Distr Log 0960-0035 43 8.6000 5.9998 6.7000
Solar Energy [更名/剔除] Sol Energy 0038-092X 715 6.2998 6.1004 6.7000
Energy and Buildings [更名/剔除] Energ Buildings 0378-7788 785 6.6002 5.9003 6.7000

