

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
HLA [更名/剔除] Hla 2059-2302 59 4.2997 5.6998 8.0000
Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition [更名/剔除] Hepatobil Surg Nutr 2304-3881 29 6.7000 7.2002 8.0000
Food Packaging and Shelf Life [更名/剔除] Food Packaging Shelf 2214-2894 212 8.1000 7.3003 8.0000
JCI Insight [更名/剔除] Jci Insight 2324-7703 536 8.4997 7.8996 8.0000
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments [更名/剔除] Sustain Energy Techn 2213-1388 1032 7.4996 6.9997 8.0000
Composites Communications [更名/剔除] Compos Commun 2452-2139 348 7.4996 7.2002 8.0000
Weather and Climate Extremes [更名/剔除] Weather Clim Extreme 2212-0947 110 8.6000 7.4001 8.0000
Journal of Science-Advanced Materials and Devices [更名/剔除] J Sci-Adv Mater Dev 2468-2284 101 7.1000 7.8001 8.0000
Jacs Au [更名/剔除] Jacs Au 255 8.0000 7.7002 8.0000
Astrophysical Journal Letters [更名/剔除] Astrophys J Lett 2041-8205 600 7.8001 7.4001 7.8996
Phytomedicine [更名/剔除] Phytomedicine 0944-7113 677 6.7996 7.4996 7.8996
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing [更名/剔除] Ieee T Mobile Comput 1536-1233 319 6.5005 7.7002 7.8996
British Journal of Health Psychology [更名/剔除] Brit J Health Psych 1359-107X 57 6.2001 7.8001 7.8996
Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications [更名/剔除] Mat Sci Eng C-Mater 0928-4931 7.4001 7.8996 7.8996
Journal of Communication [更名/剔除] J Commun 0021-9916 41 9.2003 7.4996 7.8996
Environmental Impact Assessment Review [更名/剔除] Environ Impact Asses 0195-9255 234 6.7996 7.1000 7.8996
International Journal of Forecasting [更名/剔除] Int J Forecasting 0169-2070 70 6.2001 6.9997 7.8996
Computers & Industrial Engineering [更名/剔除] Comput Ind Eng 0360-8352 863 7.3003 6.9002 7.8996
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-Systems Biology and Medicine [更名/剔除] Wires Syst Biol Med 1939-5094 5.5999 7.8996 7.8996
Business & Information Systems Engineering [更名/剔除] Bus Inform Syst Eng+ 2363-7005 29 10.3005 7.3003 7.8996
Immunity & Ageing [更名/剔除] Immun Ageing 1742-4933 63 6.9002 7.6001 7.8996
Biology of Sex Differences [更名/剔除] Biol Sex Differ 2042-6410 73 6.9002 7.8001 7.8996
Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application [更名/剔除] Annu Rev Stat Appl 2326-8298 23 9.9995 7.8001 7.8996
Soft Robotics [更名/剔除] Soft Robot 2169-5172 68 10.1001 7.4996 7.8996
Microsystems & Nanoengineering [更名/剔除] Microsyst Nanoeng 2055-7434 133 7.7002 7.6001 7.8996
Photoacoustics [更名/剔除] Photoacoustics 2213-5979 94 8.6000 6.6002 7.8996
npj Precision Oncology [更名/剔除] Npj Precis Oncol 2397-768X 94 9.0002 7.8001 7.8996
Solar Rrl [更名/剔除] Sol Rrl 2367-198X 442 7.6001 7.4001 7.8996
Digital Communications and Networks [更名/剔除] Digit Commun Netw 2468-5925 103 7.3003 7.4996 7.8996
Bio-Design and Manufacturing [更名/剔除] Bio-Des Manuf 2096-5524 49 7.6001 7.3003 7.8996
Environmental Microbiome [更名/剔除] Environ Microbiome 2524-6372 57 7.8001 7.7002 7.8996
Current Environmental Health Reports [更名/剔除] Curr Env Hlth Rep 2196-5412 53 0.0000 7.8001 7.8996
Facta Universitatis-Series Mechanical Engineering [更名/剔除] Facta Univ-Ser Mech 0354-2025 38 4.7003 7.7002 7.8996
Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering-English Edition [更名/剔除] J Traffic Transp Eng 2095-7564 63 5.6998 7.4001 7.8996
IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society [更名/剔除] Ieee Open J Comm Soc 145 7.8996 7.6001 7.8996
Communications Earth & Environment [更名/剔除] Commun Earth Environ 303 7.8996 7.7002 7.8996
Journal of International Business Policy [更名/剔除] J Int Bus Policy 2522-0691 21 9.2003 7.2002 7.8996
Journal of Cell Biology [更名/剔除] J Cell Biol 0021-9525 179 8.8005 7.6001 7.8001
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology [更名/剔除] Curr Opin Chem Biol 1367-5931 99 8.1996 7.7002 7.8001
Seminars in Immunology [更名/剔除] Semin Immunol 1044-5323 41 11.2003 7.7002 7.8001
Aging Cell [更名/剔除] Aging Cell 1474-9718 191 9.2003 7.6001 7.8001
Journal of Operations Management [更名/剔除] J Oper Manag 0272-6963 52 11.0003 6.6002 7.8001
International Organization [更名/剔除] Int Organ 0020-8183 27 8.0000 7.7002 7.8001
European Psychiatry [更名/剔除] Eur Psychiat 0924-9338 83 6.7000 7.4996 7.8001
IEEE Transactions on Robotics [更名/剔除] Ieee T Robot 1552-3098 197 10.2000 7.4001 7.8001
Translational Research [更名/剔除] Transl Res 1931-5244 89 7.7002 7.8001 7.8001
Neural Networks [更名/剔除] Neural Networks 0893-6080 402 8.4001 7.2002 7.8001
Government Information Quarterly [更名/剔除] Gov Inform Q 0740-624X 91 9.4006 6.5005 7.8001
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing [更名/剔除] J Public Policy Mark 0743-9156 19 6.6002 6.6002 7.8001
Process Safety and Environmental Protection [更名/剔除] Process Saf Environ 0957-5820 888 7.4996 6.6002 7.8001

