

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
npj Computational Materials [更名/剔除] Npj Comput Mater 2057-3960 252 12.3008 9.2003 9.7004
npj 2D Materials and Applications [更名/剔除] Npj 2d Mater Appl 2397-7132 87 11.0003 9.4998 9.7004
JACC-Basic to Translational Science [更名/剔除] Jacc-Basic Transl Sc 2452-302X 71 0.0000 9.5998 9.7004
Prx Quantum [更名/剔除] Prx Quantum 217 9.7004 9.1005 9.7004
Geography and Sustainability [更名/剔除] Geogr Sustain 2096-7438 37 9.8003 9.4006 9.7004
Chest [更名/剔除] Chest 0012-3692 236 9.8003 9.2994 9.5998
Trends in Parasitology [更名/剔除] Trends Parasitol 1471-4922 70 8.8005 9.2994 9.5998
British Journal of Surgery [更名/剔除] Brit J Surg 0007-1323 231 8.1996 8.9006 9.5998
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics [更名/剔除] Prog Part Nucl Phys 0146-6410 27 11.9008 9.2994 9.5998
Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering [更名/剔除] Comput-Aided Civ Inf 1093-9687 123 11.5003 7.7002 9.5998
Progress in Aerospace Sciences [更名/剔除] Prog Aerosp Sci 0376-0421 27 13.1995 9.2994 9.5998
Science China-Chemistry [更名/剔除] Sci China Chem 1674-7291 245 7.2002 8.9006 9.5998
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid [更名/剔除] Ieee T Smart Grid 1949-3053 403 10.4002 8.6999 9.5998
Sustainable Materials and Technologies [更名/剔除] Sustain Mater Techno 2214-9937 183 9.8996 9.2003 9.5998
Current Opinion in Plant Biology [更名/剔除] Curr Opin Plant Biol 1369-5266 114 9.8003 9.2003 9.4998
Briefings in Bioinformatics [更名/剔除] Brief Bioinform 1467-5463 829 10.6002 8.1996 9.4998
Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development [更名/剔除] Monogr Soc Res Child 0037-976X 1 5.9003 9.4998 9.4998
Basic Research in Cardiology [更名/剔除] Basic Res Cardiol 0300-8428 56 8.4997 9.0002 9.4998
Organizational Research Methods [更名/剔除] Organ Res Methods 1094-4281 16 11.3997 9.2003 9.4998
Journal of Membrane Science [更名/剔除] J Membrane Sci 0376-7388 967 8.9006 7.8001 9.4998
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces [更名/剔除] Acs Appl Mater Inter 1944-8244 5651 9.5998 8.9006 9.4998
European Journal of Information Systems [更名/剔除] Eur J Inform Syst 0960-085X 49 8.1996 9.1005 9.4998
European Journal of Psychology Applied to Legal Context [更名/剔除] Eur J Psychol Appl L 1889-1861 10 7.2002 8.6000 9.4998
Genomics Proteomics & Bioinformatics [更名/剔除] Genom Proteom Bioinf 1672-0229 73 10.1001 9.1005 9.4998
Current Forestry Reports [更名/剔除] Curr For Rep 2198-6436 24 9.9995 9.2994 9.4998
Asian Journal of Psychiatry [更名/剔除] Asian J Psychiatr 1876-2018 196 6.2998 9.0002 9.4998
Current Climate Change Reports [更名/剔除] Curr Clim Change Rep 2198-6061 10 11.3997 9.4998 9.4998
Journal of International Studies-Jis [更名/剔除] J Int Stud-Jis 1823-691X 10 9.5998 9.2994 9.4998
New Phytologist [更名/剔除] New Phytol 0028-646X 625 10.5006 8.9006 9.4006
Journal of Clinical Microbiology [更名/剔除] J Clin Microbiol 0095-1137 189 6.9002 9.0002 9.4006
Acta Materialia [更名/剔除] Acta Mater 1359-6454 861 10.2000 8.6000 9.4006
Annual Reviews in Control [更名/剔除] Annu Rev Control 1367-5788 49 11.3997 9.2003 9.4006
Service Industries Journal [更名/剔除] Serv Ind J 0264-2069 62 7.2002 7.7002 9.4006
Social Issues and Policy Review [更名/剔除] Soc Iss Policy Rev 1751-2395 10 11.2997 9.2994 9.4006
Alcohol Research-Current Reviews [更名/剔除] Alcohol Res-Curr Rev 1535-7414 12 14.2006 9.2994 9.4006
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology-in Practice [更名/剔除] J Aller Cl Imm-Pract 2213-2198 292 8.6999 8.4997 9.4006
Journal of Energy Storage [更名/剔除] J Energy Storage 2352-152X 2504 9.1005 7.1000 9.4006
Journal of Materiomics [更名/剔除] J Materiomics 2352-8478 139 9.0002 8.8005 9.4006
Chem Catalysis [更名/剔除] 2667-1093 231 9.4006 8.8005 9.4006
Journal of Nuclear Medicine [更名/剔除] J Nucl Med 0161-5505 266 9.0002 8.4997 9.2994
Clinical Chemistry [更名/剔除] Clin Chem 0009-9147 112 8.0000 8.9006 9.2994
Endoscopy [更名/剔除] Endoscopy 0013-726X 93 9.5998 8.1996 9.2994
Journal of Neuroinflammation [更名/剔除] J Neuroinflamm 1742-2094 308 9.8003 9.0002 9.2994
BMC Medicine [更名/剔除] Bmc Med 1741-7015 477 10.4002 9.2003 9.2994
Pharmacological Research [更名/剔除] Pharmacol Res 1043-6618 485 8.8005 9.0002 9.2994
Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine [更名/剔除] Trends Cardiovas Med 1050-1738 45 7.3003 9.1005 9.2994
Computational Linguistics [更名/剔除] Comput Linguist 0891-2017 6.2001 9.2994 9.2994
Cardiovascular Diabetology [更名/剔除] Cardiovasc Diabetol 1475-2840 284 9.5998 7.8996 9.2994
IEEE Network [更名/剔除] Ieee Network 0890-8044 140 9.8003 9.1005 9.2994
Psychological Inquiry [更名/剔除] Psychol Inq 1047-840X 6 10.2000 9.2003 9.2994

