

期刊 期刊缩写 ISSN 文章数/年 - 5年平均分 - 非自引分 - IFoid -
Information Economics and Policy [更名/剔除] Inf Econ Policy 0167-6245 27 2.8997 2.5000 2.8002
Computational Intelligence [更名/剔除] Comput Intell-Us 0824-7935 63 2.5000 2.7001 2.8002
Journal of Religion & Health [更名/剔除] J Relig Health 0022-4197 245 2.6002 2.2000 2.8002
Environmental Earth Sciences [更名/剔除] Environ Earth Sci 1866-6280 544 3.1000 2.7001 2.8002
Earth Science Informatics [更名/剔除] Earth Sci Inform 1865-0473 182 2.8997 2.7001 2.8002
Journal of Organizational Change Management [更名/剔除] J Organ Change Manag 0953-4814 53 2.7001 2.7001 2.8002
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly [更名/剔除] Nonprof Volunt Sec Q 0899-7640 78 3.3000 2.4002 2.8002
European Planning Studies [更名/剔除] Eur Plan Stud 0965-4313 112 3.5000 2.5000 2.8002
Surface Engineering [更名/剔除] Surf Eng 0267-0844 68 2.6002 2.4002 2.8002
Journal of Teaching in Physical Education [更名/剔除] J Teach Phys Educ 0273-5024 117 3.9003 2.2000 2.8002
Quest [更名/剔除] Quest 0033-6297 29 3.5000 2.4002 2.8002
Clinical Neuroradiology [更名/剔除] Clin Neuroradiol 1869-1439 99 2.8997 2.7001 2.8002
Leisure Studies [更名/剔除] Leisure Stud 0261-4367 92 2.7001 2.4002 2.8002
Current Psychology [更名/剔除] Curr Psychol 1046-1310 1676 2.8002 2.5000 2.8002
Mediterranean Marine Science [更名/剔除] Mediterr Mar Sci 1108-393X 68 2.5000 2.3000 2.8002
Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation [更名/剔除] J Nondestruct Eval 0195-9298 78 2.7001 2.6002 2.8002
Applied Artificial Intelligence [更名/剔除] Appl Artif Intell 0883-9514 141 2.9997 2.7001 2.8002
Pramana-Journal of Physics [更名/剔除] Pramana-J Phys 0304-4289 196 1.9999 2.6002 2.8002
Financial Analysts Journal [更名/剔除] Financ Anal J 0015-198X 27 4.0000 2.6002 2.8002
Immunotherapy [更名/剔除] Immunotherapy-Uk 1750-743X 101 3.1999 2.7001 2.8002
International Journal of Technology Management [更名/剔除] Int J Technol Manage 0267-5730 41 2.5000 2.7001 2.8002
Clinical Gerontologist [更名/剔除] Clin Gerontologist 0731-7115 104 2.9997 2.1001 2.8002
Expert Review of Hematology [更名/剔除] Expert Rev Hematol 1747-4086 102 2.8997 2.7001 2.8002
Journal of Exercise Science & Fitness [更名/剔除] J Exerc Sci Fit 1728-869X 67 3.4000 2.7001 2.8002
Clinical Social Work Journal [更名/剔除] Clin Soc Work J 0091-1674 33 2.6002 2.7001 2.8002
Nuclear Science and Techniques [更名/剔除] Nucl Sci Tech 1001-8042 161 1.9999 1.7001 2.8002
Journal of Water and Climate Change [更名/剔除] J Water Clim Change 2040-2244 192 2.7001 2.5000 2.8002
Eating Behaviors [更名/剔除] Eat Behav 1471-0153 73 2.9997 2.7001 2.8002
New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development [更名/剔除] New Dir Child Adoles 1534-8687 26 2.8997 2.7001 2.8002
International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism [更名/剔除] Int J Biling Educ Bi 1367-0050 125 3.4000 2.6002 2.8002
Science & Education [更名/剔除] Sci Educ-Netherlands 0926-7220 100 2.9997 2.1001 2.8002
Data Base for Advances in Information Systems [更名/剔除] Data Base Adv Inf Sy 0095-0033 22 2.8002 2.6002 2.8002
Nonprofit Management & Leadership [更名/剔除] Nonprofit Manag Lead 1048-6682 38 2.7001 2.2000 2.8002
Games and Culture [更名/剔除] Games Cult 1555-4120 58 2.6002 2.6002 2.8002
Feminist Legal Studies [更名/剔除] Fem Legal Stud 0966-3622 13 2.5000 2.8002 2.8002
Quality Technology and Quantitative Management [更名/剔除] Qual Technol Quant M 1684-3703 54 2.4002 2.2000 2.8002
Computational and Theoretical Chemistry [更名/剔除] Comput Theor Chem 2210-271X 331 1.9999 2.5000 2.8002
Optical Materials Express [更名/剔除] Opt Mater Express 2159-3930 385 2.8997 2.7001 2.8002
Personality Disorders-Theory Research and Treatment [更名/剔除] Personal Disord 1949-2715 51 3.5000 2.3000 2.8002
Psychology of Violence [更名/剔除] Psychol Violence 2152-0828 49 4.0998 2.8002 2.8002
Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management [更名/剔除] Ther Clin Risk Manag 1178-203X 97 2.4002 2.7001 2.8002
Critical Public Health [更名/剔除] Crit Public Health 0958-1596 32 2.8002 2.6002 2.8002
Transportation Letters-the International Journal of Transportation Research [更名/剔除] Transp Lett 1942-7867 99 2.8002 2.4002 2.8002
International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease [更名/剔除] Int J Chronic Obstr 1178-2005 239 3.1999 2.5000 2.8002
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration [更名/剔除] Amyotroph Lat Scl Fr 2167-8421 70 3.3000 2.5000 2.8002
ACM Sigcomm Computer Communication Review [更名/剔除] Acm Sigcomm Comp Com 0146-4833 20 2.4002 2.7001 2.8002
Ilr Review [更名/剔除] Ilr Rev 0019-7939 23 3.5999 2.7001 2.8002
Transportmetrica B-Transport Dynamics [更名/剔除] Transportmetrica B 2168-0566 64 2.9997 2.2000 2.8002
Journal of Biological Dynamics [更名/剔除] J Biol Dynam 1751-3758 33 2.6002 2.7001 2.8002
Convergence-the International Journal of Research Into New Media Technologies [更名/剔除] Convergence-Us 1354-8565 109 2.8997 2.6002 2.8002

